Author Archives: dalegladwin

Suzuki LTZ50 s arrive in time for Christmas!

Suzuki LTZ50

With Christmas just around the corner, we here at GH Motorcycles have the ideal Christmas present that would make any child jump for joy come December 25th! Fully stocked and ready to rip, the Suzuki LTZ50 s are one of the most sought after quads right now! AND WE’VE GOT PLENTY! A stylish white/blue colour […]

2015 Suzuki LT-Z-50 Models

Suzuki LTZ50

Now that Easter is around the corner we here at GH Motorcycles have just recieved a new batch of the Suzuki LT-Z-50 models available at £1,799 for the LT-Z 50 All purchases made before Easter will be given a 10% discount off all kiddies protective gear and accessories. A stylish white/blue colour scheme ensures the […]